Stiai ca pielea mainilor este la fel de subtire ca cea din jurul ochilor? Chiar stiind aceste lucruri, o agresam zi de zi si o expunem unui efort masiv, fara a-i acorda insa ingrijirea de care are nevoie si pe care o merita.
Aceasta crema 100% naturala cu efect anti-age a fost conceputa ca un produs tratament pentru ingrijirea pielii de pe maini, oferindu-i toate substantele hranitoare si hidratante de care aceasta are nevoie pentru a ramane ferma, fina si catifelata.
Desi consistenta, textura produsului este extrem de aerata, astfel ca se absoarbe extrem de usor in piele fara a lasa o pelicula grasa sau uleioasa la suprafata acesteia si mentinand senzatia de hidratare proaspata pe tot parcursul zilei. Aroma delicata de macaroon iti va complimenta mirosul natural al pielii fara sa interfereze cu notele parfumului tau.
Did you know that the skin on your hands is as thin and as sensitive as the one around your eyes? Even though you might be aware of this fact, you still expose it to an extreme amount of daily stress, without offering it the care and attention that it needs.
This 100% natural organic anti-age hand cream is a product that was conceived as a treatment for the skin of your hands. It offers it all the nutrients and moisturizing substances that your skin needs in order to stay soft, your and velvety.
Even though it has a fluffy consistency, the product is easily absorbed into the skin without leaving oily traces on the surface of your skin. The hydrating sensation stays on your skin all throughout the day. The delicate macaroon scent will compliment your natural skin scent without interfering with your perfume.