Care este nivelul maxim de hidratare de care au avut parte mainile tale? Cand le-ai ingrijit corepsunzator ultima oara?
Pielea mainilor este extrem de sensibila, fiind prima zona de pe corpul tau care da semnele imbatranirii si iti tradeaza varsta! Nu o lasa sa spuna alta poveste decat ai vrea!
Balsamul hidratant de maini pentru uz zilnic de la FEDUA este raspunsul tineretii vesnice a mainilor tale. Indiferent ca te pregatesti pentru o zi la birou, la facultate, pentru o plimbare in parc sau o zi petrecuta la piscina, mainile tale vor fi catifelate si hidratate, cu o singura aplicare de crema pe zi.
Mirosul delicios de caramel si textura usoara vor transforma balsamul de maini in micul tau moment zilnic de relaxare!
What is the maximum level of hydration that oyur hands have felt? When did you properly care for them last?
The skin on your hands is extremely sensitive, therefore your hands are the first part of your body that shows your age. Don't let your hands tell a different story than the one you want to hear.
The FEDUA hydrating daily hand balm is the secret to eternally young hands. Whether you are getting ready for a day at the office, school, a walk in the park or a relaxing day at the pool, your hands will be velvet-smooth and hydrated with only one application per day.
The enchanting caramel scent and the fluffy texture will transform the hand balm in your little moment of relaxation.